Türkçe ve İngilizce Ortak Kelimeler

Bir çoğumuz Türkçe’ye diğer dillerden giren ortak kelimeler neler? diye merak etmişizdir. Uluslararası dillerden Türkçe’ye giren kelimeleri öğrenmek istiyorsanız bu yazımız tam da size göre! Gelen taleplerden dolayı dergiCE olarak bu konuya el attık…...


Online SEO Training Course

We have prepared a video series of “SEO training and content writing” that everyone should have some idea about it. We also told about something on simple Photoshop training. We think, it increases as...


Denizli Second Book Fair, TURKEY

150 authors, 215 publishing houses, and hundreds of signature days… Denizli Metropolitan Municipality has stepped in for the Aegean’s second biggest book fair. Many famous writers met with book lovers at the fair. Denizli...


My Interview 2 (DEHA TV)

I got a new experience with Miss Sema, joined a program first time at the local channel, DEHA TV. I shared my dreams to community about calligraphy and authorship… I also told, there are...


My Interview 1 (DEHA TV)

I got a new experience with Miss Sema, joined a program first time at the local channel, DEHA TV. I shared my dreams to community about calligraphy and authorship… I also told, there are...


How to Learn English Free?

Hi guys, i know that i’m not a native speaker. But i can share my knowledge about English because of I have been in abroad about 7 months to improve my English. I think...


What is Technology Addiction?

Nowdays technology has improved much. Technical scientists are engaged in this side developing and prospering. Technological tools of different fields were enhanced: communication, transport, daily using things and etc. Everybody uses various technological instruments....